40 research outputs found

    Hardware-in-the-Loop and Road Testing of RLVW and GLOSA Connected Vehicle Applications

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    This paper presents an evaluation of two different Vehicle to Infrastructure (V2I) applications, namely Red Light Violation Warning (RLVW) and Green Light Optimized Speed Advisory (GLOSA). The evaluation method is to first develop and use Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL) simulator testing, followed by extension of the HIL testing to road testing using an experimental connected vehicle. The HIL simulator used in the testing is a state-of-the-art simulator that consists of the same hardware like the road side unit and traffic cabinet as is used in real intersections and allows testing of numerous different traffic and intersection geometry and timing scenarios realistically. First, the RLVW V2I algorithm is tested in the HIL simulator and then implemented in an On-Board-Unit (OBU) in our experimental vehicle and tested at real world intersections. This same approach of HIL testing followed by testing in real intersections using our experimental vehicle is later extended to the GLOSA application. The GLOSA application that is tested in this paper has both an optimal speed advisory for passing at the green light and also includes a red light violation warning system. The paper presents the HIL and experimental vehicle evaluation systems, information about RLVW and GLOSA and HIL simulation and road testing results and their interpretations

    Sastav masnih kiselina i slobodnih aminokiselina sinbiotičkog kozjeg sira sa slobodnim i inkapsuliranim probioticima

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    The aim of this study was to determine the changes in free fatty acids and amino acids during storage of synbiotic microcapsule-added goat cheeses and determine the effect of microencapsulation on these changes during storage. Another objective was also to determine the effects of probiotics and synbiotics (probiotic + prebiotics) added in free form during the production of white goat cheese on amino acid and fatty acid values. In the study, three types of microcapsules including probiotic bacteria (Lacticaseibacillus casei and Bifidobacterium longum), probiotic + fructooligosaccharide (FOS), and probiotic + inulin containing microcapsules were prepared and cheeses were produced using these microcapsules. Cheese samples were stored at +4 °C for 180 days and the amino acids and free fatty acid content of the cheeses were determined during the storage period. The saturated fatty acid with the highest ratio in goat cheeses was palmitic acid (C16) whereas the unsaturated fatty acid with the highest ratio was determined as oleic acid (C18:1). At the end of ripening, the amino acid with the highest amount was glutamic acid in cheese samples, followed by leucine, proline, aspartic acid, and lysine, respectively. It has been determined that inoculation of probiotic cultures, either in free or microencapsulated form, into cheese milk positively influences the total amino acid and fatty acid levels. The addition of inulin along with probiotics on the 180th day of storage was effective in amino acid formation compared to cheeses with free FOS added. It could also be concluded that the addition of free or microencapsulated FOS was effective in the formation of free fatty acids. In addition, regardless of the used form (free or microcapsules), inulin was more effective in amino acid formation.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi promjene u slobodnim masnim kiselinama i aminokiselinama tijekom skladištenja kozjih sireva s dodatkom mikroinkapsuliranih sinbiotika te utvrditi učinak mikroinkapsulacije na te promjene tijekom skladištenja. Također, cilj je bio utvrditi utjecaj probiotika i sinbiotika (probiotika + prebiotika) dodanih u slobodnom obliku tijekom proizvodnje kozjeg sira tipa feta na sastav aminokiselina i masnih kiselina. U istraživanju su pripremljene tri vrste mikrokapsula uključujući probiotičke bakterije (Lacticaseibacillus casei i Bifidobacterium longum), probiotik + fruktooligosaharid (FOS) i mikrokapsule koje sadrže probiotik + inulin, a koje su dodane tijekom proizvodnje sireva. Uzorci sireva čuvani su na +4 °C tijekom 180 dana tijekom kojih je određivan udjel aminokiselina i slobodnih masnih kiselina u sirevima. Od zasićenih masnih kiselina bila je najzastupljenija palmitinska kiselina (C16), dok je od nezasićenih masnih kiselina najzastupljenija bila oleinska kiselina (C18:1). Na kraju zrenja utvrđeno je da su svi uzorci sadržavali najviše glutaminske kiseline, a zatim su po udjelima slijedili leucin, prolin, asparaginska kiselina i lizin. Dodatak inulina zajedno s probioticima 180. dana čuvanja pozitivno je djelovao u formiranju aminokiselina u usporedni sa sirevima u kojima FOS nisu dodani. Osim toga, dodatak slobodnog ili mikrokapsuliranog FOS pozitivno je utjecao na povećanje udjela slobodnih masnih kiselina. Zaključno, dodatak inulina u slobodnom ili u obliku mikrokapsula, bio je učinkovitiji u povećanju udjela aminokiselina

    The effect of BaCO3 addition on the sintering behavior of lignite coal fly ash

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    The effect of BaCO 3 (witherite) addition on the sintering behavior of lignite coal fly ash taken from the Seyitömer power plant of Kütahya/Turkey was examined at temperatures of 1100, 1150 and 1200 C in air atmosphere. Bloating of the fly ash samples sintered at 1150 C was prevented, that is, the decomposition temperature of CaSO in the fly ash is shifted to a higher temperature, and their physicomechanical properties (porosity, water absorption, bulk density and bending strength) were improved with BaCO 3 4 addition. Positive effects of BaCO , however, were not seen on the fly ash samples sintered at 1100 C. All the fly ash samples sintered at 1200 C were bloated due to the gas evolving and also they melted. During the thermal treatment at 1150 C a phase transformation from CaSO (Barite) occurred in the fly ash with BaCO 3 3 4 addition as seen from the X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns and the bar shaped fly ash samples with BaCO 3 (anhydrite) to BaSO saved their structural integrity up to 1150 C.

    Brucella Endocarditis Caused By Brucella Melitensis

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    Brucellosis is a zoonotic disease endemically seen in Turkey, which occurs with various clinical findings. It can lead to complications affecting many systems. Endocarditis is an infrequent, but serious complication of brucellosis.The aim of this case presentation is to remind that endocarditis can be a complication of brucellosis and if is undiagnosed or misdiagnosed, progresses fatal in a high rate

    Discourses of Collective Spirituality and Turkish Islamic Ethics:An Inquiry into Transcendence, Connectedness, and Virtuousness in Anatolian Tigers

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    Based on case studies and qualitative interviews conducted with 40 stakeholders in five SMEs, or so called Anatolian tigers, in Turkey, this article has explored what collective spirituality and Turkish Islamic business ethics entail and how they shape organizational values using diverse stakeholder perspectives. The study has revealed six emergent discourses around collective spirituality and Islamic business ethics: Flying with both wings; striving to transcend egos; being devoted to each other; treating people as whole persons; upholding an ethics of compassion; and leaving a legacy for future generations. These discourses are organized around three themes of collective spirituality, respectively: Transcendence, connectedness, and virtuousness

    Mermer ve doğal taş yüzeylerin temizliği ve korunması

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    Merrner yuzeylerin bakmu ve remizligi icin bazi tedbirleri almak gerekmektedir. Temizlik ve bakirrun ilunal edilmesi mennerlerin cilasirun bozulmasma yol acar, bu da mermerlerin gosterisinin ve cazibesinin kaybolmasma neden olur. Temizleme ve bakim isleminin 3 temel yontemi vardu. Bunlar: su ile temizleme, kimyasal maddeler kullanarak temizleme. mekanik olarak (asmdirma) temizlemedir. Mermer yuzeylerin ilk giinku gibi temiz ve cilah olarak kalmasi icin koruma islemleri uygularur, Koruma islemleri ayru zamanda mermerlerin estetigini ve degerini artnran bir islemdir. Bu amacla mermer ve dogal taslann yuzeyleri su veya yag bazh koruyucu kirnyasallar ile kaplarnr, Bu kimyasallann gorevi ta$1I1 emme kabiliyetini azaltarak olabilecek kirliligin en aza indirilmesidir

    Thermodynamic and Thermophysical Properties of Dry Air by Using Cubic Peng-Robinson EoS for Gas Mixtures

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    Dry air is widely used in industrial and technological applications. Ideal gas EoS is used in dry air thermodynamic property calculations. For most applications, it might be sufficient, but when applications with higher pressure zones are considered, error level will increase. Peng-Robinson cubic Eq. of states is considered for better accuracy of the thermodynamic properties for dry air in this paper. So, the objective of this study is to suggest a more accurate EoS for thermodynamic and heat transfer analyses. Set of computer programs were developed in java language to calculate thermodynamic properties like specific volume, internal energy, enthalpy, entropy, Gibbs energy, Helmholtz energy, specific heat, thermal conductivity, and viscosity of dry air. The results are compared with the perfect gas EoS and the Eq.s developed by The International Association for the Properties of Water and Steam (IAPWS)

    Elvanpaşa (Afyon) trakiandezitlerinin jeolojisi ve yapı taşı olarak kullanılabilirliğinin araştırılması

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    İnşaat sektöründe doğal taşların kullanımındaki artışa paralel olarak çeşitli doğal taşlar mermer sektöründe yer almaya başlamıştır. Afyon’un yaklaşık 45 km batısında Elvanpaşa köyü güneyinde ve Afyon K 24 a4 paftasında yer alan trakiandezitler yaklaşık 30 km2 yayılım sunarlar. Bu çalışmada Afyon civarında çok geniş alanlarda yüzeylenmiş olan volkanitlerden Elvanpaşa trakiandezitlerinin jeolojisi ve yapıtaşı olarak kullanılabilirliği incelenmiştir. Bu bilgiler ışığında, mevcut taş ocağından alınan kayaç örnekleri üzerinde, kimyasal, mineralojik, petrografik ve fiziko mekanik özelliklerin belirlenebilmesi amacıyla, çeşitli deneyler gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu deneyler sonucunda Elvanpaşa trakiandezitlerinin tek eksenli basınç dayanımları 706 kgf/cm2, eğilme dayanımı 84 kgf/cm2, sürtünmede aşınma kaybı 30 cm3/50 cm2, don kaybı değeri % 0.79 olarak bulunmuştur.In parallel to the increase in usage of natural stones in building industry, several natural stones in different types, colours and shapes have occupied an important place in the marble industry as well. One of these natural stone formation is located at 45 km west of Afyon, south of Elvanpaşa village and shown on 1/25.000 map of Afyon K 24 a4. Trachyandesites spread over the 30 km2 area in this region. In the present study, the geology of Elvanpaşa (Afyon) trachyandesites, which are one of the volcanic rocks occupying a considerably large area around Afyon, and possibility of using these trachyandesites as a building stone were investigated. In this respect, to find out its chemical, mineralogical, petrographical and physico-mechanical characteristics of volcanic rocks, several tests were conducted on rock samples taken from the quarry in the area. The results of tests indicated that unaxial comprehensive strength of Elvanpaşa trachyandesites is 706 kgf/cm2, bending strength 84 kgf/cm2, average abrasion strength (Böhme) 30 cm3/50 cm2 and weightless of the freezing 0.79 %